Database Including Cloud Services

Project Details
JMG views quality of care and data integrity issues not as a problem but an opportunity to assist health plans, providers and facilities improve rates and ultimately provide better health care to their members and clients.
Case Study

Business Challenge :

JMG wanted to own their own cloud environment managed by JMG. Apart from this, JMG wanted to have the ability to intake customer data into a secure HIPAA environment within which JMG can properly maintain, correlate, and clean the data in preparation for additional chases analysis.

Solution :

Trajectus provided below scope

  • Create a JMG HIPAA Cloud server and database for provider, patient, and chase information. This includes a flat file repository for uploads and backups of data files provided by current and past customers.
  • Web interface for CRUD of new provider, patient, and chase database, customer information, users, roles, and privileges.
  • Web interface for manually correcting all data inconsistencies that we not fixed by the correction logic.
  • Provide a status UI for JMG to be able to quickly understand the state of various customer data
  • Provide 2-3 initial reports.
  • Create database backup strategy for redundancy.
  • Create technical documentation and private GITHUB for source code maintenance.
Tech Stack Used
  • Bug Tracking – Target process.
  • Database - SQL Server.
  • Front-End – .Net MVC, CSS, HTML 5.0, Bootstrap, jQuery.
  • Middle Layer - .NET Framework 4.5, C#.
  • Project Management – Target process, Team Foundation Server (TFS).