
What is React JS?

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React is a front-end JavaScript library for creating user interfaces using UI components that is free and open-source. Meta and a community of individual developers and companies support it. React can be used to create single-page or mobile applications as a foundation.

Difference between ReactJS and React Native :

While Reactjs is essentially a JavaScript library and React Native is the whole framework, the former is the heart of the latter and the two function in tandem. If Reactjs is best for generating apps with a lot of functionality and sophisticated calculations, then React Native is best for giving your mobile apps a native feel.

SNo React JS React Native
1 The ReactJS initial release was in 2013. The React Native initial release was in 2015.
2 It is used for developing web applications. It is used for developing mobile applications.
3 It can be executed on all platforms. It is not platform independent. It takes more effort to be executed on all platforms.
4 It uses a JavaScript library and CSS for animations. It comes with built-in animation libraries.
5 It uses React-router for navigating web pages. It has built-in Navigator library for navigating mobile applications.
6 It uses HTML tags. It does not use HTML tags.
7 It can use code components, which saves a lot of valuable time. It can reuse React Native UI components & modules which allow hybrid apps to render natively.
8 It provides high security. It provides low security in comparison to ReactJS.
9 In this, the Virtual DOM renders the browser code. In this, Native uses its API to render code for mobile applications.

Angular vs ReactJS Comparison

Angular ReactJS
Founded Founded by Misko Hevery Founded by Jordan Walke
Release Year 2009 2013
Ideal For Creating highly active and interactive web applications Large web applications with frequently variable data
DOM Real Virtual
App Size Relatively Small Relatively Small
Performance High High
Dynamic UI Binding Ul binding at plain object or property level Direct linking of states to the Ul
Data Binding Two-way One-way
Learning Curve Steep Moderate
GitHub Stars 41,871 113,719
Opinionation Considerably less opinionated Flexible opinionation
UI Rendering Client/Server side Client/Server side
Price Open source Open source
What Should I Choose?
  • TypeScript
  • Huge community support
  • Your app is really large?
  • Clean HTML?
  • Object-oriented-programming (OOP)
  • Flexibility
  • Big ecosystems
  • If you love JavaScript
  • Small team
  • Good at choosing among the best options (packages)

Angular vs ReactJS

When to choose AngularJS When to choose ReactJS
HTML, CSS and JavaScript Java, C# and previous version of Angular
Highly customized specific app Large scale feature-rich app
App with multiple events Ready to use solution and need high productivity
Creates sharable component in app Regulate the app size

React vs Angular Industries comparison


React vs Angular vs Vue Interest


Advantages of Angular

Some of the advantages of using Angular are as follows :
  • The ability to develop clean code is provided.
  • Improved efficiency
  • Material Design-inspired interface
  • Switching from one view to another is simple with an angular framework that can manage routing.
  • Seamless Updates with Angular CLI

Disadvantages of Angular

The following are some of the drawbacks and concerns with Angular :
  • An angular feature can be perplexing to newcomers.
  • There is no comprehensive, all-encompassing documentation or a clear handbook.
  • There is a significant learning curve.
  • Scope debugging is challenging due to limited routing.
  • Angular might become slow when pages have interactive elements.
  • Third-party integration is exceedingly difficult.
  • Upgrading from an older version to a newer version can cause a number of issues

Advantages of React

The following are some of the advantages of utilising React :
  • It is simple to learn due to its simplistic design.
  • Templating and detailed documentation are both possible because to the HTML-like syntax.
  • Developers can focus on writing contemporary JavaScript instead of worrying about framework-specific functionality.
  • Enhance server-side rendering, giving it a more stable foundation for content-centric apps.
  • You can switch between versions of React.
  • Facebook has a "codemod" option that automates a lot of the procedure.
  • ReactJS is suitable for managing enormous loads with relative ease when combined with ES6/7, and ReactJS abilities may be translated to Native programming.

Disadvantages of React

Some of the disadvantages and concerns of using React are as follows :
  • Using Reacts with a traditional MVC framework like Rail requires a lot of configuration.
  • ReactJS users must have a solid understanding of how to connect a user interface with the MVC framework.


Choosing the right framework might be tough because there are so many to choose from, each with its own set of qualities. We felt the same way when we first chose Vue.js to develop the app and now that we're looking into Angular. When it comes to deciding between Angular and React, I feel it boils down to personal preference, as they both address the same issues in different ways.

When choosing between the two, keep in mind that React has a lower learning curve, allowing for speedier development, whereas Angular has more built-in functionality but is less stable. When I say stable, I'm referring to the fact that if a feature isn't built in, it's either difficult to deliver or impossible to work around. I give React the upper hand.

Both technologies are quite powerful, and they represent a huge leap in terms of improving, enabling, and speeding up development compared to the early days of web programming.

Avinash Panchal
Head of Information Technology